Sunday, 20 July 2008

Source-based Question - Skill 1 - Inference

Source-based Question


Inference questions will usually look something like this:

• What impression does Source A give of …………
• What message does the cartoon in source C give about ……….
*How does Source A help you to understand …..? Use the source and
your own knowledge to explain.
*What does the source tell you about…
*Why does the author say this?

All you have to do is write down what the source is telling you about the person or situation mentioned in the question.

1) Firstly read or look at the source or sources carefully and write down the obvious things it is telling you. Make sure you keep the question in mind.
2) Secondly look beyond the obvious and see what you can infer. What can you work out from what you have read or seen in the source even though it may not be immediately obvious?
3) Write down what you have inferred and use the source to back you up.

1. Always use your own words when you write your inference
2. For evidence, you can quote by using open and close inverted commas
3. Always go for two inferences!!!

Infer = To work something out from what you have read or seen.


L1/1 Based on provenance or source type (1 mark) - description

L2/2 Inference w/o support (2 marks)

L3/3-4 Inference with support (3-4 marks)
3 marks for 1 inference and 4 marks for 2 inferences.

E.g. What does the source tell you about Singapore before 1819? (4 marks)

From the source, I can tell that the history of Singapore goes back a long way as they had early contacts with China by trade [inference]. This is supported by the fact that there have been archaeological discoveries of Chinese pottery and mercury pots in Singapore itself. {evidence} (3 marks)

In addition, the source also tells me that the people who lived in old Singapore wrote and read in a language that was very different from what we have today. [inference] This is because the source states that there was a ‘writing system that no one can make sense of.’ {evidence} (4 marks)

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