Sunday, 20 July 2008

Who was the Founder of Singapore? II

Hi all, go through these slides and it will give you a clearer perspective of who was the founder of Singapore.


i-z said...

actually i think theres like, more than one founder of singapore, with mutiple people, namely raffles, crawford, and farquahr.
each have their own contribuitions, with each contributing differently. however, the word "founder" generally refers to only one person, and people chose raffles because he was the one who signed the agreement.


Anonymous said...

I think raffles, farquhar and crawford founded singapore. The meaning of founder is the person who starts a particular institution or organisation, often by providing the necessary funds and support. so even though raffles found the island of singapore and sign the treaty. It all because of farquhar and crawford to give the necessary support and manage singapore. so I say that those 3 founded singapore, not only raffles or farquhar or only crawford.

kelvin, 102 rox

Anonymous said...

I think raffles, farquhar and crawford founded singapore. The meaning of founder is the person who starts a particular institution or organisation, often by providing the necessary funds and support. so even though raffles found the island of singapore and sign the treaty. It all because of farquhar and crawford to give the necessary support and manage singapore. so I say that those 3 founded singapore, not only raffles or farquhar or only crawford.

kelvin, 102 rox